The most common way to pronounce Sikh is sEk (as in seek), however some say the proper pronunciation is SE-ikh.
What does the mark on the forehead mean?
Who Started Confucianism & When?
What is the history of Halloween?
How do I learn what others believe?
Should I date outside my religion?
What is the Difference Between Muslim and Islam?
What food is made for the Chinese Moon Festival?
What is the history of other religions?
How can I add a new tradition?
What are the Seventh-Day Adventists Scriptures?
How can I communicate better with my parents?
What are Protestantism´s Scriptures?
What Are Protestant Christianity’s Scriptures?
What Are the Jehovah´s Witnesses´ Scriptures?
What is the biggest holiday in Japan?
How do I enrich our celebrations?
Who started the Baha´i religion?
Is there a Chinese holiday celebrated in autumn?
How did religion affect Galileo´s work?
How does religion affect your views towards science?
Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Should creationist stories be taught in schools?
What are Buddhism´s Scriptures?
What are Catholicism´s Scriptures?
What Are Catholic Christianity’s Scriptures?
How can I be fair to those I disagree with?
How is the Chinese New Year Celebrated?
What are some Native American beliefs?
What are Confucianism´s Scriptures?
Why were these quotes selected?
How do I teach children to value religion?
How do I handle religious issues in the workplace?
How do you decide whose opinion to represent?
What are Judaism´s Scriptures?
How can I keep updated on this site?
How do I find an answer that´s not here?
What are Vajrayana Buddhism´s Scriptures?
What are Tantric Buddhism´s Scriptures?
What are Theravada Buddhism´s Scriptures?
What are Mahayana Buddhism´s Scriptures?
Where do I look for upcoming holidays?
How does religion affect your government?
What do Orthodox Jews believe?
What do Conservative Jews believe?
What is a holiday food for Purim?
How Did the Dreidel Get Started?
What can I do for Japanese New Year´s?
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