Ethical & Work Issues Tips

Read these 4 Ethical & Work Issues Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Religion tips and hundreds of other topics.

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When should I take my stand?

Drawing the Line

Knowing when to grin and bear it, and knowing when to draw the line is an art most of us don't master. This important skill affects us in many areas of life, and largely affects our religious lives. Consider what is a reasonable level of politeness, and when it is time to get away from somebody just being a religious bully. Learn effective, yet polite ways of dealing with these situations.

How do I handle religious issues in the workplace?

Religion & Zealous Coworkers

Dealing with religious issues in the workplace requires careful skill, especially when deciding how to handle over-zealous coworker issues. Before taking any action, have a clear picture what your goal is. Will you likely have to deal with this person every day? Would you like this person to keep his or her job? Realize that many issues can be solved with a polite, yet firm, conversation before taking more drastic action; and choose your major battles wisely. Remember to keep a log of the behavior, your goals, and the actions you take.

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How can I be fair to those I disagree with?

Know Your Biases - Strive to Be Fair

Consider how your opinions affect interactions with others. Do you favor people in your workplace who share your point of view? Do you listen and try to learn about others, or only try to persuade people to your point of view? Fair interaction does not require an empty brain with no opinions; it requires a genuine respect of those who differ.

What are my biases?

Know Your Biases

When someone claims his or her opinions regarding religion are unbiased, they are either being foolish or deceptive. Consider you own biases; then strive to understand how they affect your opinions and judgments. Understanding oneself is the first step towards understanding others.

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Sheri Ann Richerson