Religion Tips

When it comes to Religion, we've been there, done that, now serving 107 tips in 20 categories ranging from *News & New Content* to Sikhism.

Who started Hinduism and where was it started?

History of Hinduism

Hinduism was started by the people of the Indus River Valley. They believed in many different gods. Then the Aryans came and also had a polytheistic belief (more than one god) and gave the gods new names.

The stories were dictated in many different writings and were called Vedic Literature. As time went on, the people in that area started believing in an "all present force."

The beginnings of Hinduism date back into the B.C. years, in some estimations as early as 2000 B.C.

Today the majority of Hindu followers live in India and worldwide number around 500 million.

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan, the holiest period of Islam, is observed for the ninth lunar month in the Islamic calendar. Most healthy Muslims over the age of 12 are expected to "abstain from food, drink and other sensual pleasures" from dawn until sunset.
Ramadan ends with Eid al Fitr, a day of feasting and celebration on the first day of the tenth month.

How is Ramadan Pronounced?

How is Ramadan Pronounced?

Ramadan is pronounced rom-a-don, with the "a" sounds respectively being similar to a sound in pat, the a sound in about, and the a sound in father.

Where can I find new content?

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What is the history of Halloween?


Many people think of Halloween as a witchs' holiday, but the word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church as "All Hallows Eve". This is the eve of All Saints' Day observed by Catholic and Orthodox Christians. The church absorbed this Druidic holiday when Pope Gregory moved All Saints' Day from February to November 1 in 835 CE.

While we know Halloween originated with the Druids, much of the historical information in circulation today is not reliable. The Druids associated this time with the completed harvest and souls of the dead entering this world. Some Neopagans including Wiccians base their celebration of this holiday on old Druid/Celtic practices.

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How do I teach children to value religion?

Preparing Children

One of the most important jobs a parent has is teaching their child how to successfully enter adulthood. A most difficult balancing act is teaching children to retain the values they are brought up with, while still blossoming into a healthy adult prepared for the large world around them. Loving parents must work hard at teaching children to hold fast to their values while still respecting and doing no harm to others.

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